Holoptelea integrifolia (Roxb.) Planch.
Synonym                    : Ulmus integrifolius Roxb.
Family                        : Ulmaceae
Local Names              : Aavil, Njettaval, Indian elm, Jungle cork tree

Flowering and fruiting period: December – March 
Distribution: Indo-Malaysia
Habitat: Semi-evergreen forests, also in the plains
IUCN status: Data Deficient
Endemic: No
Uses: The unripe fruit is eaten. The bark and leaves are used for treating oedema, diabetes, leprosy and other skin diseases, intestinal disorders, piles. A poultice of the bark and leaves is applied topically to treat boils, swellings and rheumatic pains. The bark is used externally as a treatment for rheumatism, ringworm, scabies, ulcers and scorpion stings. The mucilaginous bark is boiled then the juice is squeezed out and applied to rheumatic swellings; the exhausted bark is then powdered and applied over the parts covered by the sticky juice. The seed and a paste of the stem bark is used in treating ringworm.
Key Characters: Large deciduous trees, to 25 m high, bark whitish-grey, smooth. Leaves simple, alternate; lamina ovate-oblong, margin entire. Flowers polygamous, appear before leaves, greenish-purple, in axillary fascicles; tepals 4 or 5, free, anthers pubescent; female flowers with longer pedicels; ovary superior, 2-winged, 1-celled, ovule 1; style 2 fid. Fruit a samara, wings nerved, glabrous, seed one.