Caryota urens L.
Synonym                    : No synonyms are recorded for this name
Family                        : Arecaceae
Local Names              : Chundapanna, Olatti, Elephant’s palm, Jaggery Palm
Flowering and fruiting period: January – April 

Distribution: Indo-Malesia
Habitat: Evergreen forests, also in the plains
IUCN status: Least Concern
Endemic: Yes
Uses: The fibers are manufactured into ropes, brushes, brooms, baskets. From the pith a good variety of "sago" is obtained which is highly nutritious. Toddy is also obtained from this palm. Terminal bud is edible.
Key Characters: Monoecious stout tall palms, trunk smooth with prominent annular leaf-scars.  Leaves bipinnate.  Spadix interfoliar, shortly peduncled, pendulous; spathes few.  Flowers many, in triads with female flower in the middle.  Sepals 3, rounded, imbricate.  Petals linear-oblong, valvate.  Stamens many.  Ovary 3-celled, 3-gonous; ovule 1-per locule.  Fruit globose, reddish purple; seeds plano-convex, subreniform.