Chrysophyllum cainito L.
Synonym                    : Cainito pomiferum Tussac
Family                        : Sapotaceae
Local Names              : Swarnapathri, Star apple, Milk fruit
Flowering and fruiting period: July – September

Distribution: Native of West Indies
Habitat: Cultivated, also runs wild
IUCN status: Data Deficient
Endemic: No
Uses: Wood has been utilized for heavy construction and for deluxe furniture, cabinetwork and balustrades. The latex obtained by making incisions in the bark coagulates readily and has been utilized as an adulterant of gutta percha. The ripe fruit, because of its mucilaginous character, is eaten to sooth inflammation in laryngitis and pneumonia. It is given as a treatment for diabetes mellitus, and as a decoction is gargled to relieve angina
Key Characters: Chrysophyllum cainito are trees with bark greyish to dark brownish-black; young parts golden-ferrugineous silky. Leaves simple, alternate , elliptic , margin entire, glabrous and shining above, golden-ferrugineous silky beneath, silky pubescent. Flowers bisexual, white, axillary fascicles Sepals 5, ovate. Corolla lobes 5, ovate, silky outside. Stamens 5, included; anthers extrorse. Ovary superior, silky, ovules many; style included. Fruit a berry, white to purplish-black.