serratifolia L.
Synonym : Premna integrifolia L.
: Verbenaceae
Local Names
: Appel, Munja, Kozhichedi,
Headache tree
and fruiting period:
May - November
Distribution: Indo-Malaysia
Habitat: Moist sandy soil and scrub jungles along
seacoasts and mangrove forests
Data Deficient
Endemic: No
Uses: Leaves - cooked and eaten as a vegetable. The
leaves and roots are used in traditional medicine as a diuretic, stomachic and
febrifuge. The leaves, combined with those of Morinda citrifolia, are squeezed into water and the solution drunk
twice a day to treat severe malarial fevers. A steam bath made from the leaves
and young stems is breathed in as a treatment for fevers. The cooled solution
is then used to bathe the body. The leaves are boiled into medicinal tea that
is reputed to have analgesic effects. This home remedy is used mostly in the
treatment of backaches. The leaves and roots are used to perfume coconut oil. The
bark is used as a binding material.
Large shrub to small trees, to 7 m
high. Leaves simple, opposite; lamina elliptic, elliptic-oblong, margin entire.
Flowers bisexual, greenish-white, in terminal corymbose panicled cymes; bracts
small; calyx small campanulate, 2 lipped, 5 lobed; corolla tube short, lobes 5;
stamens 4, didynamous; ovary superior, 2-4-celled, ovules 4; style linear;
stigma shortly bifid. Fruit a drupe, globose, purple; seeds oblong.