Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Synonym                    : Theobroma guazuma L.
Family                        : Sterculiaceae
Local Names              : Rudraksham, Honey fruit tree Bastard Cedar
Flowering and fruiting period: February – September 

Distribution: Native of Tropical America
Habitat: Grown as avenue tree
IUCN status: Data Deficient
Endemic: No
Uses: The bark is the part most used. It is used as to induce perspiration, as a tonic and a blood cleanser and is employed to treat a wide range of disorders including; digestive tract problems such as gastrointestinal pain, liver problems, diarrhoea and dysentery; urinary and reproductive tract problems. The fruit (in Mauritius), the roasted seeds (in Java), and the bark (in India) are officinal remedies against elephantiasis. A natural pioneer species that colonizes recently disturbed areas; it is fast-growing, tolerant of full sunlight and provides food for the native fauna. It can be used as a pioneer species when restoring native woodland, but is best not used outside of its native range.
 Key Characters: Guazuma ulmifolia are small or medium sized trees. Leaves lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate or ovate, obliquely cordate at base, serrulate at margin, acuminate at apex,  stellate-pubescent on both surfaces. Cymes axillary and terminal. Sepals 3-5, connate, elliptic-lanceolate or ovate, subequal, tomentose outside. Petals obovate, concave with 2 apical appendages. Staminodes are petaloid. Ovary globose, stellate-tomentose. Capsules subglobose, woody, tubercled.