Gmelina asiatica L.
Synonym                    : Gmelina parviflora Roxb.
Family                        : Verbenaceae
Local Names              : Cherukumuzhu, Chulungu, Asian Bushbeech

Flowering and fruiting period: November – December
Distribution: Peninsular India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
Habitat: Dry deciduous forests and wastelands
IUCN status: Data Deficient
Endemic: Yes
Uses: The plant is widely esteemed as a demulcent and alterative. The root is used as a blood purifier and in the treatment of rheumatism, incontinence, gonorrhoea and syphilis as well as for treating infections of the bladder and to promote micturition. The macerated leaves are used in urogenital affections. An infusion of the shoots is used internally as a treatment against rheumatism, yaws and nervous diseases. The juice of the fruit is applied to portions of the feet affected by 'alipunga', a kind of eczema. The fruit juice is a treaditional treatment for dandruff - it is applied to the scalp once very three days in the morning.
Key Characters: Large shrub to small trees, branchlets ferrugineus pubescent, aborted branches spiny. Leaves ovate, apex acute, slightly pubescent on the nerves beneath, glaucous. Racemes terminal or axillary, pubescent; flowers golden yellow; calyx tube campanulate, with large glands, tomentose; corolla tube ventricose, , pubescent; longest stamen to 1.7 cm; ovary 4 mm. Drupe 2.5 x 2 cm.