paniculata (L.) Jack.
Synonym : Murraya exotica L.
: Rutaceae
Local Names
: Kattumulla, Maramulla,
Lakeview Jasmine
and fruiting period:
March – September
Distribution: Indo-Malaysia and Australia
Habitat: Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests, also
grown in the plains
Data Deficient
Endemic: No
Uses: Ornamental,
aromatherapeutic. In Chinese medicine, a
decoction of the leaves is taken to treat bruises, chronic dysentery, stomach
ache, swellings and skin irritations. It is also used to relieve pain. Leaves
are also used in other countries as a tonic, to cure toothache and herpes and
to expel tapeworms in Malaysia; as a stimulant in Indonesia; to increase the
menstrual flow and to treat diarrhoea and dysentery in the Philippines; and for
fever and dysentery in Indochina.
Shrubs or small trees; bark pale
greyish to white. Leaves 3-7-foliolate;
leaflets ovate to elliptic-ovate or rhomboid, shortly acuminate at
apex, attenuate at base, glabrous. Panicles few-flowered, from the axils of
upper leaves; peduncle 2-3 cm long.
Calyx lobes 5, ovate. Petals 5,
elliptic to ovate-elliptic, white.
Stamens 10. Disc annular. Ovary oblong, 2-celled; ovules 1 in each
cell; stigma capitate. Berry ellipsoid, acute,