Pterospermum rubiginosum Heyne ex Wight & Arn.
Family                        : Sterculiaceae
Local Names              : Chittilaplavu, Ellooti, Malamthodali

Flowering and fruiting period: November – April
Distribution: Southern Western Ghats
Habitat: Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests
IUCN status: Data Deficient
Endemic: Yes
Uses: Ayurvedic, timber yielding
Key Characters: Evergreen trees, to 20 m high, bark brown, flaking off in thin rectangular strips. Leaves simple, alternate, ovate-lanceolate, margin entire, glabrous above and densely white tomentose beneath. Flowers bisexual, white, solitary, axillary. Calyx tubular with 5 linear lobes, white silky within. Petals 5, white, linear-oblong. Staminal column adnate to the gynophore. Ovary superior, 5-celled, ovules many in each cell. Fruit a capsule, brown; seeds winged at one end.