Ficus tsjahela Burm. f.
Synonym                    : No synonyms are recorded for this name.
Family                        : Moraceae
Local Names              : Kaaral, Chela, Kara 
Flowering and fruiting period: March – April

Distribution: Peninsular India and Sri Lanka
Habitat: Moist deciduous forests, also in the plains; often epiphytic and later becoming independent
IUCN status: Data Deficient
Endemic: No
Uses: Young leaves used as vegetable. Bark is astringent and blood purifier, used for the treatment of oedema, skin disease, diarrhoea, menorrhagia, leucorrhoea.
Key Characters: Deciduous trees, often epiphytic, to 15 m high; aerial roots absent; bark surface dark brown, rough. Leaves simple, alternate spiral, yellowish-red; lamina oblong, margin entire, looped near the margin. Flowers unisexual; inflorescence a syconia, sessile; flowers of 4 kinds; male flowers few, sessile, only near the mouth of receptacle, tepals 2-3, ovate, red; female flowers sessile, tepals 3-4, red; ovary superior, obovate, dark red; gall flowers like female. Syconium, yellowish-white and dotted.