Phyllanthus acidus (L.) Skeels
Synonym                    : Averrhoa acida L.
Family                        : Euphorbiaceae
Local Names              : Sheemanelli, Arinelli, Star Gooseberry
Flowering and fruiting period: December – August
Distribution: Probably native of Brazil
Habitat: Cultivated
IUCN status: Data Deficient
Uses: Fruits edible, ayurvedic.   The root is an active purgative. An infusion of the root is taken to alleviate asthma. An infusion of the leaves is used as a dieting aid. The latex is credited with emetic and purgative activity. A decoction of the bark is used to treat bronchial catarrh. The fruit is used as a laxative. They are also taken as a liver tonic to enrich the blood. The juice of the fruit is instilled in the eyes to treat eye-troubles. The bark is used in India as a tanning agent. An extract from the plant has shown nematicidal activity.
Key Characters: Small monoecious trees, to 5 m high. Leaves distichous, elliptic to obovate; stipules toothed. Flowers on leafless branchlets. Tepals 4, unequal, 2+2, ovate, 1- nerved, acute. Stamens 4, exserted; filaments recurved; anthers oblong, dehiscence vertical. Disc  glands 4. female: a few, or solitary. Ovary subglobose, 3(4) - lobed; styles 3 or 4, reflexed, forked into subulate arms. Drupe roughly 6-8-angular, depressed - globose, fleshy; endocarp hard.