Mesua ferrea L. var. ferrea
Synonym                    : Mesua nagassarium (Burm. f.) Kosterm.
Family                        : Clusiaceae
Local Names              : Churuli, Nagachempakam, Nangu, Indian Rose chestnut

Flowering and fruiting period: April – July 
Distribution: Indo-Malaysia
Habitat: Evergreen forests
IUCN status: Data Deficient
Endemic: Yes
Uses: Source of heavy hardwood with high density and durability similar to ebony, and dark reddish-brown heartwood. Used for heavy construction. Plant parts possess anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antibacterial, anti-haemorrhagic and anthelmintic (deworming) properties, traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine. Seed oil also used to relieve skin itch, dandruff and rheumatism. Leaves used to treat fever, sore eyes and leprosy. Fresh flowers used to improve digestion and as cough remedy. Flowers used for their fragrance in perfumery (Nagchampa perfume), incense, cosmetics and soaps.

Key Characters: Trees; bark ash or grey coloured, reddish when cut. Leaves red and pendulous when young, simple, opposite, elliptic to oblong- lanceolate. Flowers white, scented, solitary or in pairs at axils, bisexual. Sepals 4 in two pairs, broadly ovate, persistent. Petals 4, sometimes 5, white with brown veins, obovate or obcordae, margins curled. Stamens numerous; anthers yellow. Ovary ovoid; ovules 2 in each locule; stigma peltate. Fruits  ovoid; seeds 1-4, pyriform, dark brown.