pubescens J. E. Smith
Synonym : Morinda tinctoria Roxb.
: Rubiaceae
Local Names
: Manjanathi, Morinda tree
and fruiting period:
March – June
Distribution: Indo-Malaysia
Habitat: Moist and dry
deciduous forests, also in the plains
Data Deficient
Endemic: Yes
Uses: The trunk has been used to treat menstrual
disorders, as a tonic for stomach and blood stasis. The fruit is rarely used
medicinally because it has an unpleasant smell. However, it has been shown that
the beverage produced by fermenting the fruits was able to inhibit
enteropathogenic bacteria and also had a high amount of potassium. The
morindone dye obtained from the root bark is sold under the trade name
'Suranji'. It is used for dyeing cotton, silk and wool in shades of red,
chocolate or purple. The colouring matter is found principally in the root bark
and is collected when the plants reach three to four years of age.
Morinda pubescens are deciduous trees, bark pale brown. Leaves simple,
opposite, decussate; stipules interpetiolar; lamina elliptic-oblong, margin
entire. Flowers bisexual, white, in terminal, globose heads; corolla lobes 4,
oblong, recurved; stamens 4, attached to the throat of corolla; anthers
exserted; ovary 2-celled or incompletely 4-celled, inferior. Fruit a syncarp,
globose, pyrenes 4, oblong; seeds not winged.