Diospyros malabarica (Desr.) Kostel
Synonym                    : Diospyros peregrina (Gaertn.) Gurke
Family                        : Ebenaceae
Local Names              : Panachi, Vananji, Indian persimmon, Malabar Ebony
Flowering and fruiting period: March – May  

Distribution: Indo-Malaysia
Habitat: Evergreen forests and sacred groves
IUCN status: Data Deficient
Endemic: No
Uses: The fruit, when unripe, is said to be cold, light, and astringent; and to possess anti-bacterial and anthelmintic activity. The juice of the fresh bark is useful in the treatment of bilious fevers.
Externally, the bark is said to be a good application for treating boils and tumours. The seeds are used as a treatment for diarrhoea and chronic dysentery. A dark oil prepared from the fruit makes an excellent varnish for paper umbrellas and fans. A valuable and highly decorative hardwood that is strong, hard, dense and very durable. It is used for items such as luxury furniture and wood carvings, and also as a raw material for boats and constructions.
Key Characters: Dioecious trees, bark black with greenish tinge flaking off in thick scales. Leaves simple, alternate, distichous; lamina oblong, margin entire. Flowers unisexual, pale yellow; male flowers: 2-7 in axillary, drooping cymes; calyx lobes 4; corolla campanulate; lobes 4, imbricate; stamens usually 40, in pairs; female flowers: usually solitary, axillary, drooping; calyx deeply divided; lobes 4; corolla campanulate, deeply divided; lobes 4; ovary superior, globose, 8-celled, ovule 1-in each cell. Fruit a berry.